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Universal Preschool News

Confused about the benefits or harm of Universal Preschool? Is it a silver bullet for education reform or a waste of money?
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In this section, you'll find editorials, legislation, public policy and trends on issues relating to preschool, pre-kindergarten, childcare and the push toward universal preschool education. Particularly of note are articles concerning the states claim of a compelling interest in compulsory preschool education. Visit often for the latest preschool news.

TV Inhibits Reading With the expansion of cable networks, Internet and video games, our kids/teens are spending more time in front of "screens." Whether it is a television - computer - or cell phone - kids are spending more time "watching" rather than reading. A University of Washington study finds that the more TV that a baby watches, the smaller their vocabulary. In fact, for every hour of TV, a child learns six to eight fewer words compared to babies who never watch TV at all. Experts say instead of passive activities, children of all ages are better served by being active - playing, learning an instrument, spending time with family, and of course reading. by Sue Scheff November 28, 2009 [More Results from Parents Universal Resource Experts]
Getting a head start Kerrville Independent School District has introduced Handwriting Without Tears, a program that teaches students top-down and left-to-right formations, capital letters and letter recognition with wooden pieces. Diane Flynn Keith, founder of Universal Preschool, an advocacy group designed to protect parents' rights to determine educational choices for their children, said pre-schoolers learn best when they are permitted to explore and follow their own interests. by Alison Beshur December 21, 2006 [More Results from Universal Preschool]
Preschool Pros and Cons Melanie Bailey of Bossier City, La., has a background in preschool & kindergarten education, so sending her daughters to preschool was not an automatic decision for her. She already knew they would be academically ready, so it was just the social aspect she had to consider. "Up until just recently, I was a stay-at-home mom so my kids never experienced the social factors of a daycare setting," says Bailey. "Academically I wasn't worried about them, [but] I can imagine that kindergarten would be overwhelming for a child that has never attended a preschool program. by Kelly Burgess August 29, 2006 [More Results from Preschoolers Today]
Action Alert - CA: AB 172 - Universal AB 172 Hearing - April 20, 2005. Your mission should you decide to accept it; is to call, write and/or fax the legislators listed below in opposition to AB 172. Be sure to write your own Assembly member as well. After you have contacted your legislator and the Education Committee members, please forward this alert to any family members or friends, who may have an interest in preschool legislation. by Annette M. Hall April 16, 2005 [More Results from Universal]