Universal Preschool Commentary
We've assembled provocative opinion and commentary on the value, or lack thereof, of universal preschool and the importance of parental involvement in early childhood development. Whether you agree or not, we hope this section will at least make you scratch your head and say, "hmmmmm..."
K-12 Education: The Cornerstone of Our Future
Carlos Garcia began his description of the American public school system by quipping, "Everybody is an expert about schools, because everyone went to school."
Expectations have changed dramatically since the 1950s when a high school would been praised for sending 50 percent of its students on to higher education. At both ends, students are expected to achieve more than ever before: kindergartners are expected to read, and exit exams are required for a high school diploma. Furthermore, a high school diploma no longer represents the end of a respectable education; America has upped the bar to at least a two-year college education.
April 2, 2003
[More Results from Milken Institute]