Learning Through the Days of the Year

By: Diane Flynn Keith

There are historic, important, and even fun and silly events to commemorate nearly every day of the year. You can use some of these dates to boost your young child's knowledge of the world in a fun and playful way. We have compiled information, books, websites, lessons, DVDs, and other resources to help you do just that in our Universal Preschool Learning Calendar.

Here is a sample of what you will find for the month of February...

Celebrate Valentine's Day!

February Learning Calendar

That's just a taste of the entertaining and engaging resources that will help you boost your young child's knowledge of the world in this outstanding activity book and time-saver! Order your copy today - here's how:

New! Universal Preschool's Learning Calendar!

Fun, Easy Activities & Time-Saving Resources - Get a full 12-months of learning just for the little ones!

"If you are the parent of a preschooler - you need this calendar! It will save you hours of research and provide dozens of innovative activities, lessons, and teaching ideas that are just right for children ages 2-5!"

Get More Info and Order Your Copy Today!

Note: If your preschool-age child has older siblings at home, you may be interested in our comprehensive DVD Schooling Calendar with learning suggestions for every day of the year.