Gifts for Preschoolers

Recommended by the "Unpreschool" List Members
Compiled by Diane Flynn Keith

They go round and round and round.

I asked the list members of "Unpreschool" at YahooGroups to tell me their best recommendations for educational toys, games, and DVDs for preschool age children. I have compiled their gift suggestions.

In compiling the information, I included comments by list members (where appropriate) that helped to explain certain products. A couple of the products got such repeated high praise that I included the rave reviews -- seems to me when more than one parent has great success with an item, we all need to know about it. I have attempted to include links to online stores where you can purchase these products to make your holiday shopping a little easier. (By the way, "Melissa and Doug" toys were mentioned several times and they have a website that I referenced below -- however, it doesn't seem to be working. Many of their products are available at stores like Target in the toy section.) Some list members offered suggestions and words of wisdom and that has been included for your enjoyment as well.

I'd like to thank those who contributed to this undertaking including:

Brit, Claire, Tara DelVecchio, Ellen, Eve Erikson, Ariana Flamik, Fran, Samantha Gray, Tamara Holdren, Jen in San Diego, Jennifer, Julie Cartwright of Florida, JoEllyn, Karen, Katrina Fehring, Meleasa, Sarah, Susan Stewart, and some anonymous donors as well.

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And now....

UnPreschool's Recommendations for
Educational Gifts for Preschoolers...


Cranium Games were mentioned by several list members:

Videos & DVDs

This gets it's own section within the DVD category because it received more recommendations from list members than any other product (see comments).

LeapFrog DVD & VHS Series

Here are the Rave Reviews from list members for the Leap Frog Videos/DVDs:


Many of you said that your children enjoy listening to music including:

Raffi - The quintessential children's singer/songwriter offers wonderful CDs for children of all ages, many with environmental themes.

Computer Games

"I have to say my 3 year old loves the computer (perhaps having a 10 year old brother who loves the computer and similarly minded parents helps) and we have numerous computer games that he likes. In addition to the usual Jump Start and Reader Rabbit preschool editions (both of which we have, both of which he likes), he likes games that are not necessarily meant for his age group. Zoombinis Logical Journey is an example. It is geared for 8 and up, but my 3 year old can how read a graph due to the 'Mudball Wall' game." ~ JoEllyn


Construction Toys (these were mentioned frequently):

Other Good Bets

Advice, Educational Philosophy & Personal Stories

Holiday Resources for the Entire Family


So there you have it! Great suggestions for educational toys, games, and DVDs that entertain as they teach!

Give your little ones a hug for me,

Diane Flynn Keith
Founder, Universal
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved