Volunteers Needed
We need you!
If you are a concerned parent, educator, policy maker, or citizen who opposes the implementation of government funded and/or mandatory universal preschool programs and want to do something about it - join us. Let us know how you can help with this cause.
We need mothers and fathers, just like you, who are willing to do any or all of the following:
- Join our Universal Preschool Yahoo Discussion List to help plan and implement strategies for resisting government preschools.
- Monitor the legislative efforts within your own state that support or implement government funded and /or mandated preschool-for-all programs.
Report your findings, so that we can post the information on our website.
- Write letters to state legislators requesting that they oppose universal preschool or preschool-for-all programs, when needed.
- Watch for articles in local newspapers that support or oppose preschool-for-all programs. Send them to Universal Preschool.com.
- Write letters to editors of newspapers, magazines, and websites opposing universal preschool.
- Seek out factual research to provide accurate information to families searching for answers about how young children learn best. Report it to Universal Preschool.com.
- Proudly list your name and contact info as a volunteer in your state to stop government preschool-for-all programs. When you fill in the "Volunteer Today" form -- we encourage you to include a brief comment about universal preschool that we can post next to your name. Your email address will be used as the method of contact and will be posted on the volunteer page at www.UniversalPreschool.com.
Volunteer Today! You'll be so glad you did.
Annette M. Hall Ph:(209) 586-9652LocalHomeschool.com/
It's time families start learning to take responsibility for their own lives and stop depending on government to solve all their problems. Universal Preschool is just one more step toward Socialism.
Subscribe groups.yahoo.com/ group/ universalpreschool/
This group is for the purpose of planning strategies on:
- How to combat the implementation of government funded and/or mandatory Universal Preschool.
- How to empower parents with information and resources to help them feel confident and capable of teaching their little ones at home and/or with thoughtful use of privately funded preschool programs, co-ops, and homeschools.
- How to inform educators, government policy makers, and the media of our opposition to government funded and/or mandatory preschool programs.
Subscribe groups.yahoo.com/ group/ unpreschool/
How To Teach Your Toddler At Home. This list offers suggestions each week for learning with preschoolers at home. Expect to receive fun, educational ideas, resources, and activities, as well as inspirational stories and messages of encouragement, that will enhance your parenting skills and enrich your learning environment at home. You don't have to send your little one to preschool. You can successfully prepare your young child (about 2 to 6 years old) for school or homeschool without going to preschool. This list is designed to help you do just that.
I firmly believe that children all learn at their own pace and that forced academics are bad for children. I am currently organzing a home daycare providers fair in my town for daycare providers to strut their stuff and show parents that we offer thier kids more than institutional daycares/preschools.
David Ziffer Ph:(630) 879-0620www.illinoisloop.org/
I am interested in stopping the universal preschool legislation here. I have already spent ten years as an anti-public-school activist, so I am already totally familiar with the enormous failings of the system that our government intends to expand.
I feel increasingly passionate that we who value family time and do not want the government designing family structure need to be more alert to the bizarre politics arising to threaten our freedom of choice, freedom of lifestyle, and freedom of religion. Because you lose all three when the government has control of your little ones for 8 or 9 hours a day!!! I also feel that all the current push to get equal pay for moms, jobs for all mothers etc. ignores the importance of stay-at-home moms.
Mary Nix www.homeschoolfreedom.org/
Living and learning with our children with little outside interference is a valuable freedom to protect. Certainly, some programs might be helpful to families, but we must remain vigilant that these programs are optional and that they don't become required putting those who don't choose to use them in the position of finding a way to opt out.
West Virginia
Jackie UniversalPreschool.com/
WV is to have access for all 4 yr olds to Pre-K in all counties by 2012. Our governor has said he wants year round school and mandatory Preschool.