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We know that parents often think they are not capable of introducing and teaching certain subjects to their young children. So, we rounded up some experts who are not only convinced that parents make great teachers -- but who were willing to give you some ideas on how to get started. Meet our experts...

Meet our Contributing Editor, Karen Taylor

Read answers to questions from parents about living and learning with preschoolers.

Meet our Marriage and Family Therapist Expert: Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T.

Living with young children is a special and fleeting time for families-challenging and frustrating, yes-but a time that is crucial to the development of young minds and souls.

Meet Our Gifted Child Expert: Corin Barsily Goodwin

Is Your Young Child Gifted? Many people think of giftedness as something that implies easy parenting and straight A's. The facts could surprise you...

Meet Our Learning Styles Experts:
Victoria Kindle Hodson and Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis

Find out how to focus on the learning process to help young children become successful life-long learners...

Meet our Math Expert: Peter Farrell

Find 9 easy things you can do to make math fun for your children. Our math expert asserts that every student can be great at math, with the correct approach...

Meet Our Science Expert: Teresa Bondora

Find the Preschool Periodic Table of Elements and activities for making science fun for little ones. Join our science expert as she shares her enthusiasm and love of science...

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