H.R. 555 Universal Prekindergarten Act!
Saturday May 23, 2009
HR 555 - Introduced January 15, 2009
To assist States in establishing a universal prekindergarten program to ensure that all children 3, 4, and 5 years old have access to a high-quality full-day, full-calendar-year prekindergarten education.
Action Taken
Jan 15, 2009: Referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor.
Introduced by: Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (OH-10)
Bill Summary
The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service.
Universal Prekindergarten Act - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide grants to a designated state agency for development of universal prekindergaten programs for all children three, four, and five years old in the state.
Requires the state to: (1) match federal funds by at least 20%; and (2) submit with its grant application a plan to establish, coordinate, and implement a statewide universal prekindergarten program.
Authorizes state agencies to set aside up to 5% of a grant for ongoing professional development activities for teachers and staff of prekindergarten programs that wish to participate.
Find out more about H.R. 555
- Read the full text of H.R. 555
- GovTrack on H.R. 555
- Washington Watch on H.R. 555
- Open Congress on H.R. 555
- HSLDA on H.R. 555 - Universal Prekindergarten Act
Related Legislation
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- GovTrack on H.R. 2184 - Prepare All Kids Act of 2009
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- GovTrack on S. 839 - Prepare All Kids Act of 2009
- H.R. 702 - Providing Resources Early for Kids ("PRE-K") Act
- GovTrack on H.R. 702: PRE-K Act
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